Wolf-Rayet nebula NGC 3199
RA center: 10 h 17 m 38 s.25
DEC Centre: -57 ° 55 - 30 .31
Date: 6. - 8. March 2024
Location: Chile / Chilescope
Telescope: ASA 500N, remote
Recording camera: FLI PL16803
Mount: ASA DDM85 Premium
Exposure time: 9h 22′
G: 12 x 180″
B: 10 x 180″
Ha: 24 x 600″
Oiii: 20 x 600″
Software: GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) , Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight, Skylum Luminar AI
NGC 3199 is an asymmetric emission nebula located around the runaway Wolf-Rayet star WR18. Regions near the arc-shaped shock front contain nitrogen-rich gas, which is enhanced by WR 18's stellar wind Wolf-Rayet stars are the exposed cores of massive hot stars. They are not assigned to any of the usual spectral classes, but are classified into their own type.