Shadow of a Gigant in Vulpecula...

vdB 126, LBN 133, LDN 767...

RA Center: 19h26m41s.20

DEC Center: +22°57′36″.3

Date: September 02.2022

Location: Braunschweig / Germany (52°14’40.2“N - 10°30’20.8“E)

Telescope: Omegon Pro APO AP 104/650 ED Triplet

  • Aperture: 104 mm
  • Focal length: 650 mm

Recording camera: ZWO ASI2600MC Pro

Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro

Exposure time: 3h 50´

Frames: 230 x 60″ (Baader UV/IR Cut / Luminance)

Software: Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight, Skylum Luminar AI

This fantastic area in the Summer Milky Way contains some small reflection nebulae (like vdB 126) but also huge dark clouds gliding in front of the Milky Way's stars.