Fomalhaut - Alpha Piscis Austrini

RA center: 22h 57m 40s .6

DEC Centre: -29° 37′ 15″

Date: 28. September  2024

Location: Chile / Chilescope

Telescope: ASA 500N, remote

  • Aperture: 500 mm
  • Focal length: 1900 mm

Recording camera: FLI PL16803

Mount: ASA DDM85 Premium

Exposure time: 1h 30 ′


  G: 6 x 300″
  B: 6 x 300″
  Ha: 6 x 300″

    Software: Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight, Skylum Luminar AI

    Fomalhaut is unusual in several ways: On the one hand, it forms a triple system with two dwarf stars that are extremely far apart. On the other hand, two of these three stars have a belt of dust and ice - similar to the Kuiper belt in our solar system.

    Fomalhaut is relatively quite young, only about 440 million years old. As a class A star, it is much hotter than our Sun, 15 times as bright and 25 light-years from Earth. The star burns hydrogen at such a high rate that it burns out in just a billion years, which is 10% of our star's lifespan.