RA Center: 04h43m40s.50
DEC Center: +18°57′01″.2
Date: Februar 13. 2023
Location: Braunschweig / Germany (52°14’40.2“N - 10°30’20.8“E)
Telescope: Omegon Pro APO AP 104/650 ED Triplet
Recording camera: ZWO ASI2600MC Pro
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
Exposure time: 59´ 30´
Frames: RGB: 119 x 30″
Software: Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight, Skylum Luminar AI
Comet C/2022 E3 was discovered in March 2022 and its orbital period is about 50,000 years. What looks like a hot star from the outside is actually a dirty snowball of water ice, dust, gas and carbon. Its home is the so called Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud, which is located at the edge of our solar system.